Monday, October 24, 2005

# 102: Conscious State at Death?

By saying, "When we die, we will go directly to heaven in a conscious state to be with Christ in spirit while our body goes to sleep in the grave," does away with many, many Bible texts that say there will be a judgment for all people, the Lost and the Saved. I believe that when we die, we who belong to Christ will be with Him in spirit but in an unconscious (sleeping) state until we receive new spiritual bodies at the Judgment. There is not one piece of Scripture in the New Testament to back up the widespread belief that we will be in a conscious state at death; there are, however, dozens of verses that say we will sleep at the death of this physical body. It is neither outrageous nor stupid to say we will be with Christ in a sleeping state waiting for the Judgment. Read 1 Samuel 28:15.


By our faith in Christ, we were given entry into the Kingdom of God. This is a great honor and a deep responsibility. Our complete loyalty and allegiance belongs to Christ and his Kingdom. When we willfully promote any other cause, no matter how good and honorable it may be, through actions or finances which do not line up with or directly promote the cause and purpose of Christ, we will be charged with high treason. Now, you might say of this: Where is God's love? Well, this Kingdom work is serious business. God gives us mercy and grace, but that doesn't make His love foolish. God's love is tough. You’re either working for God's Kingdom or you’re working for the other guy’s kingdom. The devil always puts a nice face on his work.


When someone is loved dearly with selfless agape love and it doesn't produce good feelings, that love is of little or no value in changing that life. So what’s the problem? For whatever reason, the love isn't real to that person. Either he/she doesn't believe he is really loved, or he doesn't believe the one who says, "I love you." No matter how one looks at it, when agape love is given and received, lives will be changed in every case. For love to have value, it must be real in one's mind and one must be aware of a need for that love.


JC said...

Roland, Thanks for your reply.Yes 1st Peter 3:19 must be taken into account. One thing we must remember is that the Bible does have some contradictions. This may be one of them. In this case a person has to believe in an anbigious manner.

Of course, another thing to take into consideration is that Peter was taking about another era, before the time of grace. But 1st Peter 4:6, I would discount because He could have been preaching to them before they died.

If you desire, I can quote you 9 verses that say the opposite, concerning the Judgment day/last day.

The one nice thing is, it really doesn't make a hoot or a holler difference. Except the Catholics are right and I am wrong, when they say they can talk to their dead relativies. Anything the Catholics believe, most ofter, is a lie. So by beleiving the way you do, you are making your bed with the Catholics. Ouch

Be careful what you beleive.

Anonymous said...

wow I', so glad I ran across this. please would you give me scripture where it says about where we are aseep in Jesus Christ until his second comming, I have been looking for that for such a long time. I remember reading it in the Bible but can not remember where. If you do know that scripture could youplease share it with me so I can show my friend where it is at. Thank you, Growing in Grace Caroline

JC said...

To Caroline and Roland; To Caroline first.There are many New Teatament verses that mention when a person dies they fall asleep/sleep. Here are a few:John 11:11-13, Acts 13:36, 1st Corinthians 11:30 and 15:6 and 15:18-20, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-15,and 5:6 and 5:10. Caroline, if you need more scriptural evidence on different topics, I can find them for you, because I know the Bible as the back of my hand.

Roland,You and most of religion are trying to tell me the thief on the cross went to heaven before Jesus. Here is why I say that: Turn to John 20:17. Jesus is talking to Mary. Jesus said, "Do not hold on to me,for I have not yet returned to the father." Turn to Luke 23:43. You must remember there was no punctuation, seperate verses, or chapters in the Greek manuscripts: they were added in the 14th century. To clearify Luke 23:43, so that it is consistent with John 20:17 this is the way it should read: Jesus answered him, "I tell you the truth today, you will be with me in paridise " All I did was to put the comma after today instead of before today. That changed the whole meaning as to when the thief is going to be with Jesus. Do you get what I am saying?

JC said...

To Caroline and Roland; To Caroline first.There are many New Teatament verses that mention when a person dies they fall asleep/sleep. Here are a few:John 11:11-13, Acts 13:36, 1st Corinthians 11:30 and 15:6 and 15:18-20, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-15,and 5:6 and 5:10. Caroline, if you need more scriptural evidence on different topics, I can find them for you, because I know the Bible as the back of my hand.

Roland,You and most of religion are trying to tell me the thief on the cross went to heaven before Jesus. Here is why I say that: Turn to John 20:17. Jesus is talking to Mary. Jesus said, "Do not hold on to me,for I have not yet returned to the father." Turn to Luke 23:43. You must remember there was no punctuation, seperate verses, or chapters in the Greek manuscripts: they were added in the 14th century. To clearify Luke 23:43, so that it is consistent with John 20:17 this is the way it should read: Jesus answered him, "I tell you the truth today, you will be with me in paridise " All I did was to put the comma after today instead of before today. That changed the whole meaning as to when the thief is going to be with Jesus. Do you get what I am saying?

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the scriptures, I surley will use them, I hope that my friend will understand too. again thank you and I will use you for more resourses to. God Bless you and yours Caroline